IPFS Upload

What You'll Learn

In this project, you'll take a learn-by-doing approach and accomplish the following utilizing the Infura IPFS API:

  • Upload an image and metadata to IPFS
  • View an image and metadata from an IPFS hash

What You'll Do

  1. Sign up here for a free Infura account and create an IPFS project. You'll need your project id for the Infura API requests.
  2. On the Upload page, you'll drag or select an image to upload to IPFS, fill out the metadata for the image (name, description, and attributes), and then upload it to IPFS using Infura's IPFS add endpoint.
  3. On the Display page, you'll paste the IPFS hash from the previous step and view the image and metadata using Infura's IPFS get endpoint.
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